全球第二大会计师事务所协会 Allinial Global 将于2024年10月15日在深圳举办“出海企业专业服务合作交流会”。此次交流会是Allinial Global亚太区路演的重要一站,旨在为中国企业提供支持,助力其全球业务拓展,并将邀请来自亚太区、美洲、欧洲及中东等地区的成员事务所代表齐聚一堂,共同探讨各区域的商业机遇与发展潜力。有意向出海的深圳企业将参加本次交流会,为会计师事务所搭建了信息交流的互动平台。本次交流会为自愿报名,现将有关事项通知如下:
时间 | 议程内容 |
09:30–10:00 | 嘉宾签到 Guests Check-in |
10:00–10:05 | 会议开始,承办单位介绍 Welcome and Introduction by CW CPA |
10:05–10:20 | 欢迎辞词 Opening Remarks 郑翊喆,润加速产业加速器副总经理 Yizhe Zheng, Deputy General Manager, Run Accelerator (爱彼) 朱月儀,Allinial Global亚太地区总监 Abby Chee, Asia Pacific Regional Director, Allinial Global |
10:20–10:50 | 亚太区域的供应链重构与产业升级:助力中国企业实现全球布局 Supply Chain Restructuring and Industrial Upgrading in APAC: Empowering Chinese Enterprises for Global Expansion 随着全球供应链的重构的发展,亚太地区成为中国企业进行全球化扩展的重要目标市场。尤其在RCEP协定的推动下,中国企业在亚太地区的跨国经营得到了更广泛的支持,区域合作机遇大大增加。此次讨论将探讨Allinial Global 亚太地区成员所的专业服务如何帮助中国企业应对亚太地区的机遇和挑战。 With the development of global supply chain restructuring, the Asia-Pacific region has become an important target market for Chinese enterprises seeking global expansion. Especially with the advancement of the RCEP agreement, Chinese enterprises have received broader support for their cross-border operations in the Asia-Pacific region, significantly increasing regional cooperation opportunities. This discussion will explore how Allinial Global's member firms in the Asia-Pacific region provide professional services to help Chinese enterprises address the opportunities and challenges in the region.
主持人:郑凤瑜,华德会计师事务所走出去项目负责人 Moderator: Phenix Zheng, China ODI Project, CW CPA 演讲嘉宾 Panelists · 维尼特·古普塔,AKGVG & Associates执行合伙人 Vineet Gupta, Managing Partner, AKGVG & Associates · 何丽娟,上海理德律师事务所执行合伙人兼律师 Lijuan He, Managing Partner & Lawyer, Shanghai Veritas Law Corporation · 张载洲,ASQ咨询集团首席执行官 Joe Chong, CEO, ASQ Consulting Group (AG Malaysia) |
10:55–11:25 | 从产品出口到产业出海:中国企业在美洲市场的全面布局 From Product Export to Industrial Expansion: Comprehensive Strategies for Chinese Enterprises in the Americas 美洲市场拥有巨大的潜力,但同时也伴随着高竞争和不确定性。专业服务变得至关重要。此次讨论我们邀请到Allinial Global在美洲地区的成员所介绍其如何为中国企业提供了从税务规划到合规管理的全方位支持,帮助中国企业在美洲市场实现可持续扩展。同时,我们会重点关注巴西市场的新兴机遇,由巴西国际商业关系发展研究所的代表介绍中国企业在巴西的投资概况。 The Americas market holds great potential but also comes with high competition and uncertainty, making professional services crucial. In this discussion, we have invited Allinial Global member firms from the Americas to share how they provide comprehensive support to Chinese enterprises, ranging from tax planning to compliance management, helping them achieve sustainable growth in the Americas market. Additionally, we will focus on emerging opportunities in the Brazilian market, with a representative from the Brazilian Institute of International Business Relations providing an overview of Chinese investments in Brazil. 主持人:李晓玲,华德会计师事务所高级经理 Moderator: Delilah Li, Senior Manager, CW CPA
演讲嘉宾 Panelists · 王巧菁, Wipfli LLP合伙人 Nina Wang, Partner, Wipfli LLP · 路易斯·本纳,巴西Taticca税务及咨询事务所合伙人 Luiz Benner, Partner, Taticca · 娄仁祥,巴西国际商业关系发展研究所大中华地区公共关系负责人 Daniel Lau, Institutional Relations for Greater China, Brazilian Institute of International Business Relations Development |
11:30–12:00 | 连接东西方的新兴市场:探索中东、东欧、中亚和高加索地区的机遇 Emerging Markets Connecting East and West: Exploring Opportunities in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and the Caucasus 本场讨论邀请了Allinial Global成员事务所Affiniax Partners和Schneider Group,讨论他们如何帮助国际客户在中东、东欧、中亚和高加索地区进行市场进入、合规管理及业务扩展。随着中国企业寻求全球多元化布局,本次讨论将为企业提供宝贵的见解及实用策略,帮助企业在这些新兴市场中把握机遇、克服区域挑战,实现业务增长。此外,本场讨论还特别邀请北京市柳沈(深圳)律师事务所向各位分享中国企业出海至新兴市场必须注意的知识产权保护问题。 This panel invites Allinial Global member firms Affiniax Partners and Schneider Group to discuss how they assist international clients with market entry, regulatory compliance, and business expansion in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and the Caucasus. As Chinese companies seek to diversify globally, the panel will offer valuable insights and practical strategies to help businesses seize opportunities, overcome regional challenges, and achieve growth in these emerging markets. Additionally, Liu, Shen & Associates (Shenzhen) has been specially invited to share critical intellectual property protection considerations for Chinese enterprises expanding into emerging markets. 主持人:何诗琪,华德会计师事务所业务拓展顾问 Moderator: Sisi He, Business Development Advisor, CW CPA 演讲嘉宾 Panelists · 托马斯·蒙德里,Schneider Group 合伙人 Thomas Mundry, Partner, Schneider Group · 苏米特·纳亚尔,Affiniax Partners首席执行官兼合伙人 Sumeet Nayyar, CEO & Partner, Affiniax Partners · 刘志杰,北京市柳沈(深圳)律师事务所律师 Zhijie LIU, Attorney at Law, Liu, Shen & Associates(Shenzhen) |
12:00 | 自由交流 Networking |
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